Streamlining Your Therapy Practice with a CRM System: A Game Changer

Running a therapy or counseling practice is rewarding, right? You get to make a real difference in people’s lives. But then there’s the admin side of things—tracking patient details, juggling schedules, and chasing down payments. Let’s be honest, it’s a bit of a drag. The Admin Struggle Is Real You didn’t get into therapy to […]

Revolutionizing Customer Support with Automation

In the realm of modern business, exceptional customer support can make or break a brand’s reputation. At Automation Strategists, we understand the critical role that seamless customer interactions play in building loyalty and trust. Join us as we unveil an inspiring success story that demonstrates how we harnessed the power of automation, particularly through ActiveCampaign, […]

Streamlining Sales Operations with HubSpot and Zapier Integration

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the ability to adapt and streamline operations is paramount to success. At Automation Strategists, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions that transform businesses from the inside out. Join us as we delve into a captivating case study that exemplifies how the seamless integration of HubSpot and Zapier revolutionized […]

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up HubSpot


When setting up HubSpot, it’s crucial to approach the process with care and attention to detail. Avoiding common mistakes can help ensure a smooth implementation and maximize the benefits of this powerful marketing automation platform. We’ll discuss five common mistakes to avoid when setting up HubSpot. You might also want to check out our other […]

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up ActiveCampaign


Setting up ActiveCampaign can be an exciting step towards enhancing your marketing automation capabilities. However, there are common mistakes that businesses often make during the setup process that can hinder their success. We’ll explore five common mistakes to avoid when setting up ActiveCampaign. Meanwhile, you can also read our other article 5 Common Mistakes to […]

Hubspot ActiveCampaign Integration

Active Campaign Hubspot Integration

In the realm of marketing automation, the ability to seamlessly connect different platforms and tools is crucial for efficient and streamlined workflows. ActiveCampaign and HubSpot are two popular marketing automation platforms, each offering unique features and capabilities. While they do not have a direct native integration, this blog post will guide you through the process […]

The Best Hubspot Lead Nurturing Features


In the world of outbound marketing, effective lead nurturing is the key to driving conversions and building lasting relationships with potential customers. HubSpot, a renowned all-in-one marketing and sales software platform, offers a plethora of features specifically designed to streamline lead nurturing processes. In this article, we will explore the top HubSpot lead nurturing features […]

The Top Lead Nurture Features of ActiveCampaign

In today’s competitive business landscape, nurturing leads and building strong relationships with potential customers has become paramount for sustainable growth. Enter ActiveCampaign, a leading customer experience automation platform that empowers businesses to automate and optimize their lead nurturing efforts. We will delve into the top lead nurture features of ActiveCampaign and how they can revolutionize […]

6 ActiveCampaign Integrations You Should Be Using

ActiveCampaign is a powerful marketing automation platform that helps you connect with your customers and grow your business. But did you know that you can also integrate ActiveCampaign with other tools and apps to enhance your customer experience and optimize your workflows? In this blog post, we will explore 8 ActiveCampaign integrations that you should […]